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UMD Smart Commute is the sustainable transportation program at the University of Maryland, College Park.

Our goal is to provide campus faculty, staff, students and visitors with options and incentives that encourage the use of sustainable transportation options to reduce the number of single occupancy vehicles coming to and parking on campus. UMD Smart Commute is all about how to get to, from and around UMD in a way that saves money, time and the planet. Biking, transit, walking and ridesharing are all healthy transportation options that take the stress out of your commute.

Join UMD Smart Commute and rethink your ride!


Taking sustainable commute trips can be rewarding. Participate in our incentive programs Smart Commute and you can win big!

  1. Log your trips on your Smart Commute Dashboard
  2. Earn points for each sustainable commute
  3. Click on "Incentives" to participate in challenges and points programs
  4. Redeem rewards!

raffle ticket

Fall Commuter Store: August 27th - December 10th

Eligible Participants: All Commuters

Log your commute trips on Smart Commute this semester to earn points. Visit the Smart Commute Incentives page and click on “Points Programs" to redeem prizes! Among rewards is a raffle entry for our monthly drawing for $300 transit credit (winner’s choice of SmarTrip, MARC, or MTA pass)

  • Drive alone trips = 1 pt (max 2 pts per day)
  • Sustainable trips (transit, bike, walk, carpool, vanpool, or telework) = 3 pts (max 6 pts per day)

Redeem your points for:

  • (30 pts) Raffle Entry in Monthly Drawing for $300 transit credit
  • (50 pts) Maryland Dairy Ice Cream
  • (100 pts) Portable Battery Charger
  • (350 pts) Stojo 16 oz Collapsible Cup

store items